Books About Hope

Raising a child is a beautiful but overwhelming task that no parent can ever feel truly equipped to do. No matter how many parenting books you read, nothing ever really prepares you for the moment you hold your sweet baby in your arms and realize you’re suddenly wholly responsible for him or her. 

Now add finding out this new baby has a list of extraordinary needs.  A task that is already so great suddenly feels impossible.

Raising a child with a disability can feel alone, dark, and isolated. 

Raising a child with disabilities of any kind can test your faith. 

Loneliness eats away at you leaving you stranded, hopeless, and angry for a life you didn’t ask for or plan. 

But parents don’t have to go through this dark journey alone. Far from it in fact. 

The most important thing to keep you afloat is to maintain hope. Your child is a blessing, a beautiful Magnificent Different little person. 

It’s hard to find our way in the darkness, though. We need reminders of what light can do for us: guide us, warm us, comfort us. 

One way to feel less alone in this darkness and feel encouraged to take on the storm, is to find a community through reading books about hope. For those who don’t have time to go out and meet new people or who may be introverted, reading a book can feel incredibly uplifting and rewarding. 

Not only can you be comforted by learning about someone else in a similar or difficult situation, but you can also take inspiration and encouragement from their stories. 

I’ve compiled a collection of books, included with quotes, that I believe are encouraging for special needs parents.

Books to give you hope as you raise your child with special needs

There are always experts or another family in a similar situation that you may be in.  This means that readers can learn more about these disabilities and the experiences they lead to, and families can also feel relief that they are not alone. 

But let’s get into the list of books that give you hope as you raise your own child with a disability, shall we?


Other Side of Special: Navigating the Messy, Emotional, Joy-Filled Life of a Special Needs Mom by Amy J Brown, Sara Clime, Carrie M Holt

“As you pour your energy and resources into raising a special child, it's easy to struggle with feelings of isolation, competition, guilt, and overwhelm. Here's the encouragement and practical help to navigate the emotional reality of your situation. In The Other Side of Special, three mothers raising children with physical, medical, mental, and emotional special needs have joined forces and pooled their experience and expertise to provide such a resource. They take a deep dive into the most common emotions felt by special needs moms. They acknowledge the hard things as those who have been there. They celebrate the unique joys of being a special needs mom. And they offer encouragement for the journey, remaining realistic about the challenges special needs moms will continue to face.”

"Life is uncertain. Life is messy, and it doesn't always make sense. What may not make sense to us, what may appear to be an unexpected mistake, is something God will use to design some of his most remarkable work." 


The Life We Never Expected: Hopeful Reflections on the Challenges of Parenting Children with Special Needs by Andrew Wilson and Rachel Wilson 

“Sometimes life throws you a curveball. Andrew and Rachel Wilson know what it means to live a life they never expected. As the parents of two children with special needs, their story mingles deep pain with deep joy in unexpected places. With raw honesty, they share about the challenges they face on a daily basis―all the while teaching what it means to weep, worship, wait, and hope in the Lord. Offering encouragement rooted in God's Word, this book will help you cling to Jesus and fight for joy when faced with a life you never expected.”

“But God is the Captain. He is the navigator, mapmaker, and expert. He sets our course and knows where the land is. In light of that, my continued attempts to reclaim control of the ship are strikingly ridiculous.”


Raising a Rare Girl by Heather Lanier

“Heather Lanier did everything by the book when she was expecting her first child. She ate organic foods, recited affirmations, and drew up a birth plan for an unmedicated labor in the hopes that she could create a SuperBaby, an ultra-healthy human destined for a high-achieving future.

But her daughter Fiona challenged all of Lanier's preconceptions. Born with an ultra-rare syndrome known as Wolf-Hirschhorn, Fiona received a daunting she would experience significant developmental delays and might not reach her second birthday. Not only had Lanier failed to produce a SuperBaby, she now fiercely loved a child that the world would sometimes reject. The diagnosis obliterated Lanier's perfectionist tendencies, along with her most closely held beliefs about certainty, vulnerability, God, and love.

Loving Fiona opens Lanier up to new understandings of what it means to be human, what it takes to be a mother, and above all, the aching joy and wonder that come from embracing the unique life of her rare girl.”

“Mothering Fiona was turning me into a different kind of woman.”


Half A Brain: Confessions of a Special Needs Mom by Jenni Basch

“A mother’s desperate struggle to save her daughter. Radical brain surgery is their only hope.In a heart-stopping twist of fate, Jenni Basch discovers that her unborn baby has suffered a devastating brain injury, putting her life in jeopardy before it even begins. Against unimaginable obstacles, her little one miraculously survives, but now they face a life filled with complex medical challenges. When a merciless form of epilepsy strikes her daughter, Jenni and her husband are faced with an impossible decision. Their only glimmer of hope lies in a daring and radical surgery, a procedure that requires removing half of their daughter’s brain. Will they have the courage to take this life-altering step in order to give their daughter a fighting chance? Prepare to be captivated as Jenni fearlessly pulls back the curtain on a world that is often unseen and misunderstood. With a refreshing blend of candidness and humor, she invites us into her world, challenging our perceptions and illuminating the depths of parental strength. Each terrifying diagnosis and crisis pushes Jenni to the brink, forcing her to confront her deepest insecurities, fears, judgments, and lack of experience. Yet, in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, she discovers an inner resilience she never knew existed. Join her on this rollercoaster of emotions as she embarks on a journey that will inspire and uplift your own spirit.”

“Home felt stale and uneasy. We couldn’t relax with the constant reminders of the impending birth.”


Embracing This Special Life: Learning To Flourish as a Mother of a Child with Special Needs by Jenn Soehnlin 

“There is a unique struggle to keep your faith in God’s goodness and His plan as a special needs parent while juggling the appointments, stress, grief and loneliness that few people understand, unless they too are a Christian special needs mother. Jenn Soehnlin has been there, raising two sons with special needs.”

“Embrace the unique way your child is blooming -- even if it's not in the garden you imagined.”


Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid: A Survival Guide for Ordinary Parents of Special Children by Gina Gallagher and Patricia Konjoian

“On a “perfection-preoccupied planet,” sisters Gina and Patty dare to speak up about the frustrations, sadness, and stigmas they face as parents of children with disabilities (one with Asperger’s syndrome, the other with bipolar disorder).

This refreshingly frank book, which will alternately make you want to tear your hair out and laugh your head off, should be required reading for parents of disabled children.” 

“Yes, we like to think of our children as Macintosh computers operating in a world full of PCs; they get the same answers but process things differently.”


Far From the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity by Andrew Solomon

“Andrew Solomon’s startling proposition in Far from the Tree is that being exceptional is at the core of the human condition—that difference is what unites us. He writes about families coping with deafness, dwarfism, Down's syndrome, autism, schizophrenia, or multiple severe disabilities; with children who are prodigies, who are conceived in rape, who become criminals, who are transgender. While each of these characteristics is potentially isolating, the experience of difference within families is universal, and Solomon documents triumphs of love over prejudice in every chapter.

All parenting turns on a crucial question: to what extent should parents accept their children for who they are, and to what extent they should help them become their best selves. Drawing on ten years of research and interviews with more than three hundred families, Solomon mines the eloquence of ordinary people facing extreme challenges.

Elegantly reported by a spectacularly original and compassionate thinker, Far from the Tree explores how people who love each other must struggle to accept each other—a theme in every family’s life.”

“Having always imagined myself in a fairly slim minority, I suddenly saw that I was in a vast company. Difference is what unites us. While each of these experiences [of the disabled] can isolate those who are affected, together they compose an aggregate of millions whose struggles connect them profoundly. The exceptional is ubiquitous; to be entirely typical is the rare and lonely state.”


You Will Dream New Dreams by Stanley Klein

“In this insightful and deeply moving collection of essays, readers will discover the common ground of emotions shared by parents of children with disabilities Real-life fathers and mothers of kids with cerebral palsy, juvenile diabetes, autism, mental retardation, and other life-changing illnesses or injuries speak from the heart on how they mourned for the child of their dreams...learned the importance of turning to friends instead of being "strong" all the time...experienced the wrenching disappointment of letting go of certain expectations for their child...and found the unexpected joy of discovering new dreams.”

“So what kind of hope can I offer you?” 


Learning to Dance in the Rain by Melanie L. Bennett

“I would like to invite you to join me on the journey of ups and downs, heartaches and thrills I experienced through a year of caring for a child with autism. This journal is my story as a caregiver, weathering the storm with a seven year-old girl with autism. Whether you know nothing at all about autism or feel well-versed on the topic, I believe you will find my story educational, enlightening, and heartwarming.”

“But in a home where grief is fresh and patience has long worn thin, making it through another day is often heroic in itself.”


Shattered Prayers: The Testing of a Father's Faith by Kenneth Ching

“Kenneth Ching lived a comfortable life--with a great job, a big house, and an easy faith. He went to church and believed in God's goodness. But when his son is born with a serious and rare genetic condition, his life is thrown into terrifying chaos.

In this honest and raw memoir, Ching brings to life his experience of letting go while learning to truly trust the Savior he claims to know. Ching doesn't shy away from asking the hard questions: Why does God answer some prayers but not others? How does prayer work? Is God even listening?

Shattered Prayers is ultimately a story about recognizing God's presence and faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. And how one man thought God ruined his life by giving his son a terrible disease, but eventually realized God was actually fighting to save his faith and his son's life.”

“I am tired of having to tell everyone how well everything is going and how faithful God is. I suppose it is better than telling them that things are very difficult and I often doubt God’s goodness because if I say anything like that, people feel the need to “encourage” me. People who have been through a similar health crisis can be encouraging. But people who haven’t usually can’t. At least not with their words. I think they feel that they have to say something. If I tell them I am struggling, they feel obligated to help. But they can’t help because they don’t know what they are talking about. You can’t help a drowning man if you don’t know how to swim. It’s okay to say nothing. It’s good to say nothing…Saying nothing says a lot; it says ‘This is so difficult it leaves me speechless.’ It shows solidarity with the person who is suffering.”


With Angel's Wings by Stephanie A. Collins

“Laura’s world spins as pediatricians throw words at her like heart failure, seizures, and g-tube feeds...when all she wants is to hold her baby tightly and be the mom she’d always dreamed of being. Join Laura on her emotional journey as she strives to rise to the unexpected challenge of motherhood to two special needs daughters. Witness her dance along the edge of sanity through a whirlwind of mind-numbing diagnoses, from a rare chromosomal disorder to autism. Experience heart-wrenching medical drama, from IV cut-downs to code blues.”

“My hope is that writing with my heart on my sleeve will perhaps offer some help, hope, or, at least, some peace of mind to someone else who finds him or herself in similar circumstances. 


Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs by Amy E. Mason

“As the parent of a child with special needs, does your heart ache with questions, confusion, or discouragement? Do you ever feel that you have no margin in your emotional reserves or sense a gaping need for encouragement, rest, and refreshment? Caring for someone with autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, emotional or behavioral disorders, or physical disabilities can be all-consuming. Bible Promises for Parents of Children with Special Needs can help you claim God’s promises for your everyday life. You’ll become more aware of God’s passion for you and your child through this handy guide that speaks directly to the unique journey of special needs parenting. These promises are for your comfort. Claim them as your own. Pray them over your family and over your children. Let them guide you into the presence of Jesus and the security that only he can provide.”

“If you are sincerely looking for God, you are sure to find him because he will never abandon anyone who wants a relationship with him. In fact, your difficulties can help you look more intently for God so that you can see him- right by your side.”


This Lovely Life by Vicki Forman

“Vicki Forman gave birth to Evan and Ellie, weighing just a pound at birth, at twenty-three weeks’ gestation. During the delivery she begged the doctors to "let her babies go" — she knew all too well that at twenty-three weeks they could very well die and, if they survived, they would face a high risk of permanent disabilities. However, California law demanded resuscitation. Her daughter died just four days later; her son survived and was indeed multiply disabled: blind, nonverbal, and dependent on a feeding tube.

This Lovely Life tells, with brilliant intensity, of what became of the Forman family after the birth of the twins — the harrowing medical interventions and ethical considerations involving the sanctity of life and death. In the end, the long-delayed first steps of a five-year-old child will seem like the fist-pumping stuff of a triumph narrative. Forman’s intelligent voice gives a sensitive, nuanced rendering of her guilt, her anger, and her eventual acceptance in this portrait of a mother’s fierce love for her children.”

“The truth is that this was something over which I had no control and the question is not why but what. What am I going to do with this? What am I going to make of it?”


Child Decoded: Unlocking Complex Issues in Your Child’s Learning, Behavior or Attention by Marijke Jones, Robin E. McEvoy PhD and Kim Gangwish

“What parent hasn’t wished for the manual that goes with her child? And children with complex behavior or learning issues can be even more confounding. The last twenty years have seen a huge increase, not only in children with learning and behavior problems, but in children with bewildering combinations of them. These combinations can defy categorization and resist treatment. Figuring these children out can feel like trying to decrypt an especially complex code, without a cypher. Even professionals find it challenging. Child Decoded presents a new kind of resource for a new kind of need. It provides parents with a broader understanding of the issues that may be affecting their children, as well as concise information on who can help and how.”

“I tried to believe them but my gut told me otherwise.” 

Books about heaven

Sometimes finding hope in life is like trying to find a piece of hay in a needle stack. It feels impossible, and the more you look the more disappointed and hurt you become.

That’s why sometimes it helps to find hope in things beyond this world.


Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo

“Colton told his parents he left his body during an emergency surgery–and proved that claim by describing exactly what his parents were doing in another part of the hospital during his operation. He talked of visiting heaven and described events that happened before he was born and how he spoke with family members he’d never met. Colton also astonished his parents with descriptions and obscure details about heaven that matched the Bible exactly, even though he had not yet learned to read.”

“We learned the value of being vulnerable enough to let others be strong for us, to let others bless us. That, it turned out, was a blessing to them as well.”


Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey Into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander

“Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists. A highly trained neurosurgeon, Alexander knew that NDEs feel real, but are simply fantasies produced by brains under extreme stress.

Then, Dr. Alexander’s own brain was attacked by a rare illness. The part of the brain that controls thought and emotion—and in essence makes us human—shut down completely. For seven days he lay in a coma. Then, as his doctors considered stopping treatment, Alexander’s eyes popped open. He had come back.

Alexander’s recovery is a medical miracle. But the real miracle of his story lies elsewhere. While his body lay in coma, Alexander journeyed beyond this world and encountered an angelic being who guided him into the deepest realms of super-physical existence. There he met, and spoke with, the Divine source of the universe itself.

Alexander’s story is not a fantasy. Before he underwent his journey, he could not reconcile his knowledge of neuroscience with any belief in heaven, God, or the soul. Today Alexander is a doctor who believes that true health can be achieved only when we realize that God and the soul are real and that death is not the end of personal existence but only a transition.”

“A story–a true story–can heal as much as medicine can.”


Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God's Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You by John Burke

“All of us long to know what life after death will be like. Bestselling author John Burke is no exception. In Imagine Heaven, he compares more than one hundred gripping stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) to what Scripture says about our biggest questions of Heaven: Will I be myself? Will I see friends and loved ones? What will Heaven look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets?

Burke shows how the common experiences shared by thousands of near-death survivors--including doctors, college professors, bank presidents, people of all ages and cultures, and even blind people--point to the exhilarating picture of Heaven promised in the Bible.

This thrilling journey into the afterlife will make you feel like you've been there, forever changing the way you view the life to come--and the way you live your life today. You'll discover Heaven is even more amazing than you've ever imagined.”

“I don’t know much about the religions, but I know this: God looks at our love.”


 The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final Moments by Hadley Vhalos

“In The In-Between, Vlahos recounts the most impactful experiences she’s had with the people she’s worked with—from the woman who never once questioned her faith until she was close to death, to the older man seeing visions of his late daughter, to the young patient who laments that she spent too much of her short life worrying about what others thought of her—while also sharing her own fascinating journey.

Written with profound insight, humility, and respect, The In-Between is a heartrending memoir that shows how caring for others can transform a life while also offering wisdom and comfort for those dealing with loss and providing inspiration for how to live now.”

“What we once deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”


Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani

“In this truly inspirational memoir, Anita Moorjani relates how, after fighting cancer for almost four years, her body—overwhelmed by the malignant cells spreading throughout her system—began shutting down. As her organs failed, she entered into an extraordinary near-death experience where she realized her inherent worth . . . and the actual cause of her disease.”

“I'm at my strongest when I'm able to let go, when I suspend my beliefs as well as disbeliefs, and leave myself open to all possibilities. That also seems to be when I'm able to experience the most internal clarity and synchronicities.”


Heaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home (Clear Answers to 44 Real Questions About the Afterlife, Angels, Resurrection, ... and the Kingdom of God by Randy Alcorn

“We all have questions about what Heaven will be like, and after twenty-five years of extensive research, Dr. Randy Alcorn has the answers.

In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it―a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.

This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be.”

“What we love about this life are the things that resonate with the life we were made for. The things we love are not merely the best this life has to offer—they are previews of the greater life to come.”


Consciousness Beyond Life: The Science of the Near-Death Experience by Pim van Lommel

“As a cardiologist, Pim van Lommel was struck by the number of his patients who claimed to have near-death experiences as a result of their heart attacks. As a scientist, this was difficult for him to accept: Wouldn't it be scientifically irresponsible of him to ignore the evidence of these stories? Faced with this dilemma, van Lommel decided to design a research study to investigate the phenomenon under the controlled environment of a cluster of hospitals with a medically trained staff. Van Lommel provides scientific evidence that the near-death phenomenon is an authentic experience that cannot be attributed to imagination, psychosis, or oxygen deprivation. He further reveals that after such a profound experience, most patients' personalities undergo a permanent change. In van Lommel's opinion, the current views on the relationship between the brain and consciousness held by most physicians, philosophers, and psychologists are too narrow for a proper understanding of the phenomenon. In Consciousness Beyond Life, van Lommel shows that our consciousness does not always coincide with brain functions and that, remarkably and significantly, consciousness can even be experienced separate from the body.”

“Actually, it wasn’t about having but about being. I myself should be full of love, honesty, warmth, and awareness without wanting or having it from someone or something else. Only when I am these things shall I be able to give and receive them; therein lies the greatest wealth.”


The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death by Annie Kagan

“In The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death, Kagan shares the extraordinary story of her after death communications (ADC) with her brother Billy, who began speaking to her just weeks after his unexpected death. One of the most detailed and profound ADC's ever recorded, Kagan's book takes the reader beyond the near-death experience. Billy's vivid, real-time account of his on-going journey through the mysteries of death will change the way you think about life, death and your place in the Universe.”

“Humans don't usually get to experience the full magnificence of their lives while they're living it. They get caught up in lots of ideas and lose sight of the miracle that is their life.”

Books about miracles

Some would say that books about near-death experiences are miraculous. As a work of God or divine intervention. After reading such books, readers are also left with feelings of hope. Which is why I put this section last. 


Breakthrough: The Miraculous True Story of a Mother's Faith and Her Child's Resurrection by Joyce Smith with Ginger Kolbaba

“The Impossible reveals prayer's immediate and powerful impact through the true account of a family whose son died and was miraculously resurrected.”

“I didn’t get ominous feelings often, but when I did, I’d learned to listen to them because they always meant something bad was going to happen.”


Joni: An Unforgettable Story by Joni Eareckson Tada

“In a split second on a hot July afternoon, a diving accident transformed the life of Joni Eareckson Tada forever. She went from being an active young woman to facing every day in a wheelchair. In this unforgettable autobiography, Joni reveals each step of her struggle to accept her disability and discover the meaning of her life. The hard-earned truths she discovers and the special ways God reveals his love are testimonies to faith's triumph over hardship and suffering.”

“Probably, I thought, my suffering and training is a lifelong process. It will end only when I go to be with Christ.”


Miracles in the ER: Extraordinary Stories from a Doctor's Journal by Robert D. Lesslie

“You’ve heard about them. Extraordinary…unexplainable…seemingly miraculous true stories that couldn’t have happened—but did. Real-life stories of life changes, answered prayers, inner and outer healing where they appeared impossible.

These touching, dramatic, thought-provoking snapshots of life will grace you with hope and prompt you to look more closely for the miracle stories around you that so often go unseen and untold.”

“Doc, I’m tellin’ ya, it was a miracle!” 


Angels, Miracles, and Heavenly Encounters: Real-Life Stories of Supernatural Events compiled by James Stuart Bell

“These inspiring real-life stories explore what happens when people encounter spiritual forces, and how their lives are undeniably changed. This dramatic collection includes accounts of contact with angels, near-death experiences, powerful prayer testimonies, and unexplainable miracles. Every story displays the victory of Christ and his kingdom over difficult circumstances and opposing forces. The outcomes include increased faith, a sense of the loving providence of God, a realigning of priorities, and a greater desire to share the gospel. In turn, the reader's faith will be strengthened knowing that if God can steer individuals through these unknown territories, he certainly will care for their everyday lives.”

“It is true that we normally live by faith and not by sight, but some of us at certain times are given supernatural sight, hearing, and even smell. The supernatural world constantly intersects our fallen world but manifests itself at key times: during intense spiritual warfare, at the time of death, when we’re in mortal danger or dire need, and when God wants to reveal His glory. So it isn’t surprising that these stories involve angels and demons, near-death experiences, exciting rescues, miraculous provision, and manifestations of God’s presence in worship.”


Jewel Of Heaven by Angie Howell

“Angie is a cocky pediatric nurse on the brink of divorce from her third husband when she learns she’s pregnant with her eighth baby. Feeling her freedom slip away, Angie makes a desperate plea to God which changes the trajectory of her life and the life of her unborn baby. When Baby Jade is born with a fatal brain abnormality, Angie is plunged into a pit of guilt and shame.  She embarks on a journey into an abyss of depression where she contemplates a dark end to her life behind the steering wheel of her car in a closed garage. But a glimmer of hope arrives in an unlikely alliance with a Harley-riding, leather-wearing, cigarette-smoking Christian biker gang. 

God may have other plans for Angie and Jade after all…”

“Something was missing. I just didn’t know what.  That would take time and a miracle to figure out.”

Never Lose Hope 

I hope above all else that from this list you can take away a source of inspiration. 

You are not alone in this journey laid out before you. It may feel like it at times but know that throughout all the burnout, anger, and even guilt or shame, through it all there will always be hope and joy to be found at the end of the tunnel. 

Looking for more sources of hope on your journey as a parent of a child with special needs? Sign up for my newsletter here


Overcoming Mom Guilt as a Special Needs Mom


Questions to Ask Your Pediatrician: A Guide for Parents Who Have Children with Special Needs